Carpet Cleaning Tips for Tough Stains
You always have the option to hire an expert carpet cleaner if you have a tough stain and you are afraid of doing more harm than doing well to your carpet.

However, here are some simple carpet cleaning tips that could help you fix everything from pet urine smell, nail polish, blood, red wine, bleach, and much more using a homemade carpet cleaner or cleaning supplies.
- Blood
Blood is organic and thick. This means that it could stain easily your carpet.
Remove as much as you can with a cloth or spoon and to break the blood down, use a laundry detergent that is enzyme-based. Apply hydrogen peroxide directly, let it soak in and rinse with water if the blood is already dry when you find it.
- Grease
Remove away the excess quickly using a clean paper towel if you spill something greasy or oily.
Sprinkle baking soda or salt on the stain and leave it overnight. Then, vacuum the baking soda or salt off of the area of the stain.
- Motor Oil
It is really great if you do not have a lot of motor oil spills in your carpet. But if so, start by removing as much as possible.
Then, apply shaving cream on the stain and be sure to thoroughly spread the cream into the stain using a brush.
You must make sure to use a shaving cream that has no moisturizers added because they could add oil to the stain.
You might want to consult an expert carpet cleaner for more severe, oil-based stains. Your carpet type would determine how aggressive you can be in removing the stain and whether you require help from outside.
- Candle Wax
Candle wax could work easily its way into the fibers of the carpet and make an oily, slippery mess.
Be careful in cleaning up the wax if it is still hot when spilled. To freeze whatever is left over, use an ice pack or ice cube. The wax will bundle together once frozen and you must be able to pick out most of it.
- Coffee, Grape Juice, Red Wine
Carpet care professionals consider these stains as the worst. This is because they all have deep colors and acidic. This makes them almost impossible to remove if they are not caught immediately.
Pour water or club soda over the affected area and remove it using a cloth if you find the stain still wet.
Don’t grind or rub in the stain. Blot it until it no longer remains. Use baking soda paste or borax combined with cold water if the stain is still there after drying the carpet.
- Urine
Even the most well-trained cat or dog may want to leave their mark.
Absorb as much as you can using a cloth towel or an unprinted paper if you have a pet urine stain.
Follow up with a solution that is half water and half white vinegar.
Finish off the procedure using a solution that is a ½ teaspoon of non-bleach, clear detergent combined with 32 oz. of water. Rinse the affected area and let it dry.
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